Thursday, November 17, 2011

Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato Risotto

Let me tell you, this was goooooood. Yes, it deserved the "oooooo" in the middle. Not only is this probably the healthiest risotto you'll ever have, it's definitely one of the tastiest. Creamy and warm, but guilt-free because there is no cream and and it's all veggie-based. I got my 5 servings in today - score! Better yet? A small bowl was all each of us needed for dinner. We also had leftovers for some yummy lunches this week.

Not only did I love this, but John did too. He high-fived me and yelled "awesome, baby!" And, no, that was not directed at the IU basketball game. Although, truth be told, he did say "nice, baby!" while I was cooking and I know it wasn't directed at me...Moving on...

I saw this recipe on a great blog I follow, Peanut Butter Fingers. If you haven't checked out Julie's blog yet you should. You'll love it! It is so uplifting and inspiring for healthy eating and living - without being preachy.

Anyway, Julie whipped up a Butternut Squash Wheatberry Mock Risotto that looked amazing. Unfortunately I couldn't find wheatberry at Trader Joe's. I did have some arborio rice (the kind used for risotto) so I went for a regular risotto. I decided to add some sweet potato since I had a bag from making Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato Lasagna.

Butternut Squash & Sweet Potato Risotto
Recipe adapted from Peanut Butter Fingers
Serves 4-6, depending on portion and if used as side dish or entree   
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*1/2 large onion, chopped
*1/4 teaspoon thyme
*2 1/2 cups vegetable broth
*2 heaping cups butternut squash, peeled, seeded and cut into cubes
*1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
*3 cups fresh spinach
*1 sweet potato, peeled and cubed
*about 2 cups arborio rice 

*Heat oil in a medium size pot over medium heat. Add onions and thyme and cook until onions are slightly soft, about five minutes.

*Turn the heat to medium-high. Add broth, sweet potato cubes and butternut squash. Stir constantly (ok so I didn't really do it constantly but I was in the kitchen the whole time) and allow to simmer until broth is nearly completely dissolved and butternut squash breaks down and becomes creamy (somewhat like mashed potatoes), approximately 25 – 30 minutes.

*While the vegetables are cooking, prepare your arborio rice, according to package directions.

*Stir in Parmesan cheese to sauce (the now creamy vegetable mixture).

*Add spinach and stir until leaves are somewhat wilted.

*Combine risotto with sauce and serve!

Starts as this...

ends up looking like this!

add spinach

spinach is wilted


I added a little extra parmesan on top for garnish

so good!


  1. making this next week - can't wait! love your additions!

  2. I knew you would love this as soon as I made it! Let me know what you think! :)

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