Friday, April 22, 2011

Garlic Bread

I thought garlic bread would be a nice addition to the Italian dishes I've been working on. It's something so simple, yet it can really make a dinner stand out and seem that much better. I did a google search awhile back for garlic bread, and after reviewing at least a dozen recipes, I decided I'd go for it on my own, with what I learned from my research. The result was great! It's easy to make this too much or not enough, and I've found melting the butter will give you a stronger taste than using softened butter. I also used less when it was softened butter, meaning this way is a bit healthier.

I paired this with meat and cheese lasagna, meat sauce over cheese tortellini, and chicken parmesan. Let me know what you use it with! :)

*loaf of French bread (or similar bread)
*1/2 stick butter, softened or melted (melted with result in a more buttery bread)
*2 cloves garlic, minced
*a few shakes of Italian seasoning (I used about a teaspoon, but more or less is fine depending on your preference)


*Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

*Combine melted butter with Italian seasoning and garlic. Slice bread into 1-inch pieces, being careful not to cut completely through. Try to cut to bottom crust. Brush garlic-butter-seasoning mix in each slice, being sure to coat both sides of bread evenly with mixture (including minced garlic pieces - they tend to sink).

*Wrap bread in foil but don't cover. Foil should come about halfway up sides. Place in the oven and cook for 12-15 minutes, depending on how crisp you want the outside. The foil with help keep the insides soft, but exposing the top of the bread will leave the outside nice and crisp.

*Serve with Italian meal (or any you want!) and enjoy!  

The garlic butter with Italian seasoning mix I used on the bread

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