Saturday, May 14, 2011

Reese's Brownies

I love looking at Jourdan's blog because she makes such yummy recipes! She follows so many great blogs, and so I find that by following hers a lot of the searching is done for me - thanks, Jourdan! When I saw she made these, but in cupcake versions, I knew I had to try them. John's favorite candy in the world is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, so I knew he'd die when I made them into brownies!

These. Were. Delicous! The chopped Reese's cups added a richness and creaminess to the dish, and were just plain yummy. I would highly recommend this as a simple step up to an easy dessert. Yum!

*1 box brownie mix (I used Betty Crocker Original Supreme)
-1/4 cup water
-1/4 cup vegtetable oil
-2 eggs (for "cakelike" brownies, which I always do)
*14 chopped Reese's peanut butter cups
*dash of cinnamon


*Preheat your oven depending on your pan. (325 for me!)

*Mix brownie mix and additional ingredients (water, oil, eggs). Sprinkle a dash of cinnamon (Note: I use the cinnamon because just a little really brings out the richness of the chocolate flavor in the brownies.)

*Chop the Reese's cups and fold into brownie mixture.

*Spray your pan (I love the Pam spray for "Baking"). Pour in brownie mixture and bake according to package directions. (Note: Mine needed an extra 5 minutes, but I'm not sure if that was because of my oven or the Reese's. Just keep an eye on yours.)

The size of my chopped Reese's

I sprinkled the last two chopped Reese's on top :)

Fresh out of the oven

So rich and creamy!

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