Sunday, June 26, 2011

Creamy Caprese Pasta

This recipe is amazing. We devoured two whole dishes of it in a matter of three days. Embarrassing? Maybe. Worth it? Totally. I'm even thinking about making it again this week. Too much? Eh, it's summer vacation. Maybe a little more running will be needed...

...Anyway, I love caprese salads. Seriously, I adore them. Tomato, fresh mozzarella and basil? Yum. If - no when - I go to Italy, I plan to try a caprese salad at every restaurant, much like I tried creme brulee at every restaurant I went to in France (Megan did it with me so I wasn't completely crazy!).

Anyway...when I saw this recipe for Creamy Caprese Pasta on one of my favorite cooking blogs, How Sweet It Is, I knew I had to make it. (Seriously check out her website if you haven't already - it's awesome!) Combining my favorite salad into a wholesome pasta dish? Yes, please!

I ended up cooking too much pasta so some of my quantities are different from the original recipe. Feel free to check hers out, or follow mine if you're looking for a great meal to refrigerate or freeze for later! (Who doesn't like that?!) I also used my own tomato sauce recipe, but you're welcome to use your favorite store brand for a much quicker meal.

*1 pound whole wheat pasta (noodles such as penne work best)
*2 cups of your favorite pasta/tomato sauce (my own tomato sauce recipe)
*2/3 cup heavy cream or half and half
*1/3 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese + more for garnish (I forgot to grab some fresh so I used the regular canister kind)
*4 ounces fresh mozzarella, cut into cubes, plus about 2-4 more ounces sliced into rounds
*1 pint of grape tomatoes (I cut some in half and left some whole)
*1 bunch of fresh basil leaves (about 3-5 basil leaves)

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cook pasta according to package directions.

*While pasta is cooking, heat tomato sauce over low heat in a large saucepan. (Or start making your own!) Once warm, stir in heavy cream and grated parmesan.

*Once pasta is done cooking, drain and dump into the sauce, mixing to coat and turning off heat. Fold in mozzarella cubes and tomatoes, then chop 3-4 fresh basil leaves and add them in too.

*Once combined, spray a baking dish with non-stick spray and pour the entire pasta mixture into the dish. Top with fresh mozzarella rounds. Bake for 25 minutes, or until cheese is golden and bubbly.

*Serve with garlic bread, veggies, or whatever you'd like! Feel free to add more basil and cheese for garnish on top. Yummm!

 Loving these ingredients.

Pasta coated in sauce

Adding mozzarella and tomatoes

Next step: basil!

Mozzarella rounds on top for an extra cheesy dish! Note: Using a serrated knife makes it MUCH easier to cut mozzarella cheese and even spices like basil!

Looking yummy

Mmmm :)

So cheesy!! We loved it!

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