Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Italian Salmon

I should preface this by saying I don't really know if this is Italian salmon. I made up the recipe on a whim the other night, and its main ingredient was Italian bread crumbs, thus the name "Italian Salmon." To be honest I wasn't sure how this would turn out. I didn't have the energy for a meal that would take more than 15 minutes and a couple steps, and this dish was born. It turned out to be super yummy, and John didn't stop raving about it! I made it again last night to have for lunch this week, and it was just as tasty the second time around. :)

*salmon filets (you know I love the frozen ones!)
*Italian style bread crumbs
*olive oil
*salt and pepper

*Turn broiler to 500 degrees.

*Drizzle salmon with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and the bread crumbs. Pat them on so that they stick a little more easily.

*Place salmon on a pan directly, or on a type of grill plate above a pan (as I prefer to do). Cook for 8-12 minutes, or until flaky. Enjoy your easy, breezy meal!

About to go into the oven.

Salmon and green beans, yum :)

The bread crumbs give flavor and a slight crisp!

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