Monday, August 8, 2011


July 24, 2010 is the day I was blessed to marry the most amazing, kind, funny, intelligent, caring, handsome man. What can I say? I'm a lucky girl. :)  Our wedding day was perfect.  We were surrounded by loving family and friends, and what a celebration it was - 350 guests will do that!  Besides the extreme heat (our poor wedding party in tuxes and long dresses!), it was gorgeous outside, and we have some beautiful pictures to show for it. I've even included a few here. :)

First kiss as husband and wife!

Couldn't be happier!

Our wonderful wedding party

Just as much in love today - if not more - than on our wedding day :)
Our honeymoon was in the picturesque Turks and Caicos.  The sand was perfectly white and smooth, like velvet between your toes. The water was a gorgeous shade of aqua and turquoise.  I'ver never seen water so lovely in my life.  We spent ample time relaxing, but we also took advantage of the island.  We did snuba (a mix of scuba diving and snorkeling), went horseback riding on the beach and through the ocean, parasailed over the island, went on a glow worm tour and night boat ride, and even had a romantic meal on the beach, courtesy of my Aunt Pam and Uncle Russ. We were so, so forutnate to be treated to such a wonderful honeymoon.
Snuba! Your tanks are floating at the top of the water and not on your back. No training required!

So cool to be in the ocean with the horses!

Up, up and away!


Romantic beach dinner for two, yes please :)
 We wanted to do something special to celebrate our one year anniversary, though we weren't able to do something as extravagant as we did for our honeymoon. However, I was lucky enough to receive a buy one get one free airline voucher by registering for my sorority's alumni association (thank you, Alpha Phi!). We used the tickets to fly to Sanibel, Florida, where John's grandparents have a condo righ ton the beach. We spent five days there, frolicking on the beach and in the ocean, and we even took a day trip to Orlando to visit Universal Studios! We saw the new Harry Potter world, which is pretty cool to be honest. John treated us to the express passes, so the longest we waited in line (not counting the Harry Potter ride) was 15 minutes! We literally rode every ride in both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure (minus the kiddie rides). We were so exhausted by the end of the day, but it was well worth it. We know the next time we take a vacation there it will be with little kids in tow and not the same at all!
Harry Potter! It was soooo hot out that day! (And we were soaked from all the water rides Mr. Rapp made us go on!)

Even if we hadn't gone anywhere, I know our anniversary would have been special, because we spent it together, reminded of our special wedding day and how lucky we are to have each other. I am so thankful God put John in my life, and as the days, months, years pass in our marriage I will work to remember that and always be grateful for him. I hope you are lucky enough to have someone as special in your life.


  1. Love this post! The pictures just remind me of how beautiful your wedding was! (And happy belated anniversary!)

  2. Thank you, thank you!! You're too sweet! I can't wait to see ALL the pictures from your beautiful wedding!!


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