Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Seared Scallops & Pasta with Garlic White Wine Sauce

Before I begin, does anyone want to take a guess as to where I found this delicious recipe? If you guessed Pinterest you are correct! I told you I was hooked, didn't I?!

Anyhoo, I saw one seared scallop recipe that looked amazing. Then I realized the recipe was designed to sell another product. Fail. So I searched for another recipe that was similarly based, and voila! A big thank you to My Bizzy Kitchen for this great dish!

Not only are scallops light and delicious, but so easy to cook. Add a little pasta and you have a whole meal in a matter of about 15 minutes, including the time cooking the pasta! I cannot argue with that, especially on days when I get home from work and don't feel like spending hours in the kitchen.

As is my usual, I did make a few revisions. I upped the garlic and butter - wanted it a bit creamier - and it was fantastic. I loved it. So did the hubby. No leftovers. And we always have leftovers. Hmm...maybe I need some more scallops tomorrow.

Seared Scallops & Pasta with Garlic White Wine Sauce
Recipe by My Bizzy Kitchen
Serves 2-4, depending on portions
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*8 oz raw scallops (I asked the hubby to pick up 16 and it was just about 8 oz)
*1 tsp olive oil
*2-3 tbsp butter
*2 cloves garlic, minced
*3/4 cup white wine
*juice of one lemon
*1 tsp lemon zest
*salt and pepper
*a couple fresh basil leaves, cut or torn for garnish
*whole wheat pasta (about 2 cups, cooked, more/less depending on your preference)

*Cook pasta according to directions.

*Rinse and dry scallops thoroughly with a paper towel. Heat a nonstick pan to high heat.

*When pan is hot, swirl in the olive oil and add the scallops. (Be careful not to crowd them.) Let the scallops sit for 2 minutes - don't move them or you'll interfere with the sear. Flip and cook for 2 more minutes. Set aside.

*Turn the heat to low. Add the butter and garlic to the pan and saute for 30 seconds. Turn the heat back up and add the wine, lemon juice and lemon zest. Let the wine bubble and then scrape any bits in the pan. Season with salt and pepper.

*Throw in the cooked pasta and scallops and toss to coat.Serve with fresh basil and parmesan cheese on top.

2 minutes later, time to flip!

I don't show this picture because the sauce is pretty, but so you know it shouldn't be :)

Adding pasta and scallops back into the pan - with sauce


Close up

One more

Yummm :)


  1. Sweet! So glad you liked it! And a bit more butter makes everything better, no?

    And I am a pinterest whore too - love it! Happy Monday!


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