Thursday, October 27, 2011

Lemon Garlic Roast Chicken with Pesto

So I have a confession...this post is kind of like cheating. Because all I really did was combine two recipes that I already have. Well, not even that. Two recipes that I already made and were ready to go on a night I did not feel like cooking. And, I mean, really...isn't that the point of making such big meals or making sauces and freezing them? For days you don't want to do anything?

Welp, this was quickly thrown together, but was clearly a hit because at work today I got a text message from the hubs saying how awesome dinner was last night. Isn't that sweet? He's always been so good about sending me sweet messages at random times, and for complimenting and being grateful for my cooking. He makes it easy to enjoy this as a hobby.

Now, don't be alarmed that this calls for a whole chicken. In fact, I only made this because after making a whole Lemon Garlic Roast Chicken (I always look for whole chickens to be on sale when I make this), I had extra breast meat leftover and wanted it to go to good use. You can just as easily use a regular chicken breast, though this was insanely moist and juicy (thanks to the roasting). This is just one of those, "use what you have" recipes that I thought I'd share. Hopefully it inspires you to come up with some fun creations as well! :)

*Lemon garlic roast chicken  (or any other chicken meat, cooked)
*Pesto sauce (or store bought)
*grape tomatoes

*Reheat your remaining chicken meat (we ate the drumsticks and some other pieces the night before, and as such I had breasts remaining) and leftover roasted veggies (always make extra when you do the chicken!).

*Thaw and slightly warm pesto sauce. (Too hot and I feel the ingredients get a

*Plate your chicken and drizzle pesto over. Toss some tomatoes in for garnish (and they're great with the pesto). Serve with leftover roasted veggies.

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