Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chicken Cordon Bleu with Prosciutto & Goat Cheese

Growing up I had my fair share of chicken cordon bleu, usually from those food order catalogues from school. My mom didn't buy them too often but when she did I was a pretty big fan of them. Fast forward to now...I don't remember the last time I ate chicken cordon bleu. I guess not having those catalogues means not having the chicken!

Anyhoo, a few weeks back I won a giveaway from one of my favorite blogs Peanut Butter Fingers. Julie chronicles her healthy living and posts her workouts, meals, recipes, and fun anecdotes from her day, especially those involving her sweet dog Sadie.

As part of the giveaway I won 5 gift cards for free Chavrie goat cheese and goodies from Crate and Barrel (dessert stand, measuring cups, measuring spoons and ceramic mixing bowls), score! I also received a goat cheese cookbook from Chavrie.

Would you guess what was in the cookbook? Chavrie Chicken Cordon Bleu! I was inspired to mix up the recipe a bit (and lighten it up a bit, too), and out came this delicious dish! Creamy and full of flavor. It was perfect because I haven't cooked standard chicken breasts in awhile. John was thrilled and thought it was super tasty. He wolfed his down faster than me, which is saying a lot considering I eat so fast after a workout and cooking!

This dish reminded me a lot of Chicken Piccata, in terms of preparation and consistency of the chicken. If you liked that, you will love this. Try this spin on a classic dish and let me know what you think!

Chicken Cordon Bleu with Prosciutto & Goat Cheese
Recipe by Call Me Mrs. Rapp, inspired by Chavrie Chicken Cordon Bleu
Yields 2 finished chicken breasts
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*2 chicken breasts
*2 slices prosciutto
*2 oz goat cheese (I used the tasty Chavrie! and 2 oz was half the 4 oz log - - original recipe called for 4 oz for two people which I thought was a bit much)
*1/2 cup flour
*1 egg, beaten
*1 tbsp milk (I used skim)
*1 cup bread crumbs (I used 1/2 cup panko and 1/2 cup italian seasoned)
*2 tbsp. olive oil (original recipe called for 2 cups vegetable oil)
*salt and pepper

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.

*Place chicken breasts on a cutting board and cut a slit about 3/4 of the way through (horizontally), being careful not to cut completely through. *See pictures below if you are confused!

*Season each breast with salt and pepper.

*Cut 2 oz of goat cheese in half. Wrap each slice with prosciutto. Place each wrapped piece into chicken breast pocket. Press chicken breast firmly together to seal.

*Arrange a dipping station: 1 bowl with flour; 1 bowl with egg and milk; 1 bowl with bread crumbs. Dredge each breast through flour, egg mixture and bread crumbs before placing onto skillet with heated oil.

*Cook and pan fry until golden brown, about 2 to 3 minutes per side.

*Transfer to a sheet pan and place in oven to continue cooking, about 7-10 minutes, depending on the size of your chicken breasts.

*Split each chicken breast in half and serve. I served mine with Parmesan-Roasted Cauliflower.

Loving my free cheese! (Although in all honesty I would definitely buy it, too)

Roll 'em up, roll 'em down...(no really just roll it up)

One stuffed and another ready to go! My chicken breasts were itty bitty so I was nervous they wouldn't fit!

My station with the Chavrie For the Love of Goat Cheese cookbook for inspiration


Creamy, cheesy goodness

the Italian seasoned bread crumbs also added some nice flavor

Scooping up some of that goat cheese!


  1. Lauren, this looks unreal! I've been looking for ways to fancy up chicken, and I should have known you would come through for me--remember our first stuffed chicken recipe exchange? :) xo

  2. Thanks, Katie!! Who doesn't love a fancied up chicken? :) And how could I forget that exchange? One of my favorites! :)


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