Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bacon-Wrapped Scallops with Chili Butter

I saw this and knew I had to make it. I mean, come on. It's scallops. And an excuse to use my favorite bacon! I'm not even a bacon person, but I loooove the apple cured bacon from Trader Joe's! I mean, obsessed.

Anyhoo, apparently it's not even just me who recognizes my love of scallops. I got an email from my dear friend Katie (check out her blog!), saying that she saw this recipe and thought I would love it. Guess what? I did!

I made these on a lazy night, and John and I ate a little more than half of them as our dinner. I was too tired to even make a vegetable (shame on me!). Lots of protein though, right? I'll take any excuse. These were delicious! I would have never put in chili powder with scallops, but it is an amazing flavor combo. Just use a hint of this chili butter and you won't feel too guilty about the richness. It's worth it, though! Promise.

Bacon-Wrapped Scallops with Chili Butter
Recipe by The Pioneer Woman
Serves 4
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*1 pound scallops (I used large/jumbo but would use regular next time)
*bacon (about 4 slices - - I used my favorite from Trader Joe's!)
*1/4 stick butter (was originally 1/2 stick)
*1/2 tsp. chili powder (originally 1 tsp.)

*Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

*Cut bacon pieces into thirds or halves, depending on size of scallops and bacon. Wrap each scallop with bacon piece and secure with toothpick or wood skewer.

*Place in oven on drip pan (or for me...cooling rack on top of a sheet pan!) for 20 minutes.

*While scallops are cooking, melt butter in a small saucepan. Once melted, add chili powder. Serve over or alongside scallops (I served mine alongside, so as not to serve too much).


wrapped bacon

close up!

all done!

with the chili butter in a ramekin

dip! and don't use blue toothpicks...for obvious reasons...whoops!

just a dab!

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