Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Roasted Green Beans with Balsamic & Parmesan

This is now the third recipe from Kalyn's Kitchen I've tried, and I'm really enjoying her healthy recipes. I think she follows the South Beach Diet because she always makes a comment about how a recipe falls in with that. I don't know anyone that is still on that diet, but if you are I bet you'd love her site.

I made this as a side to the Stuffed Pork Tenderloin I made for my little dinner party. One of my girlfriends who came over pinned it on Pinterest, and I thought it would go perfectly with our main dish. Not only that, it was easy to have ready before they arrived, and throw into the oven before dinner. I did some modifications because of having one oven and using it for the tenderloin, but I loved how it turned out.

These were a big hit, and everyone liked how they didn't feel heavy, but were super tasty. I agreed, and I am so happy that I made extra to bring for lunch tomorrow! Crispy, crunchy, sweet green beans. Healthy and delicious. Oh...and easy! What more could you want?

On a side note, since I was making these for a dinner party I totally forgot to take pictures as I cooked! Fortunately, there was not much to photograph. Cut up green beans. Mix with two ingredients. Cook. Mix with parmesan, which leads you to the pictures I have. If you have problems, though, feel free to let me know!

Roasted Green Beans with Balsamic & Parmesan
Recipe by Kalyn's Kitchen 
Serves 4-6, depending on portions   
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*1 lb fresh green beans
*1 1/2 tbsp olive oil
*1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
*2 tbsp finely grated parmesan cheese

*Preheat oven to 400 degrees (original recipe calls for 450).

*Trim ends of beans and cut beans in half so you have bite-sized pieces.

*Put cut beans into a Ziploc bag or plastic bowl. Whisk together olive oil and balsamic vinegar and pour over, then squeeze bag or stir so all the beans are lightly coated with the mixture.

*Arrange on large cookie sheet, spreading them out well so beans are not crowded.

*Roast 15 minutes at 400 degrees. Turn oven up to 450 and roast for additional 10-15 minutes.

*Season beans to taste with salt and fresh ground pepper (didn't do this!), then sprinkle with finely grated parmesan. Serve hot.

Look at those!

Close up! Sweet, crispy, crunchy, with just enough cheese to add flavor but not texture or be too much. Who knew I could say that about cheese??

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