Monday, March 12, 2012


Helloooooo, friends! I don't know about you, but this Monday has been long. I think the whole, jump-ahead-an-hour thing really hit me today. I could not get going this morning! I managed to forget to take my vitamins and heartburn medicine. I forgot my computer charger at home (and my laptop was dead). I didn't ask John for his singles for the soda machine (yes, I have to have one in the morning), which meant no caffeine and a subsequent headache...Gah!

That face might have made an appearance...but fortunately for me, and everyone else who I am around, I have a wonderful hubby. John is on spring break and brought me everything I forgot, plus some ibuprofen for the headache. I don't even want to know what this day would have looked like without him. (One guess: pretty horrible.)

My day actually went very well after that. The kids were their adorable selves, and we learned a new vocabulary word, feisty, which happens to be one of my favorite words. They were hilarious creating scenarios and ways to use the word. "When I ate half my Halloween candy in one night, I was running around and got pretty feisty." How cute is that?? How about, "My brother is definitely very feisty. He always has energy!" I tell you, I love these moments.

After school I ran to Nordstrom to exchange a pair of shoes John vetoed - sparkly pink TOMS (perhaps it was an impulse purchase...). He rarely does this, but when he asked me if I bought them to wear to a 7-year-old's dress up party, I knew they would never last in this house. So I brought them back today and exchanged them for...sequined black TOMS. They have to ship them because they're sold out in my size, so I'll let you know if they make the cut.


Next stop was the gym, where I got my sweat on with 45-minutes of some intense elliptical intervals and then some incline power walking to wrap it up. Rounding out my afternoon errands was a trip to Trader Joe's to stock up on some veggies and food for meals this week. Check out this haul!

Whole wheat mini bagels, green beans, onion, garlic, crescent rolls (impulse buy),
cara cara oranges (obsessed!), carrots, eggs, babybel cheese, yogurt,
champagne (I plan to enjoy a glass during The Bachelor - judge away), broccoli, cauliflower,
asparagus, strawberry banana orange juice (love) and skim milk
As of now, here are my planned meals: Sweet and Spicy Citrus Tilapia, Sweet Italian Chicken Sausage with Bell Peppers, steaks on the grill with John's family (I'm in charge of dessert and am thinking of bringing this or an adaptation of this), Chicken and Spinach Tortellini Casserole, and date night! I may or may not substitute one of those for Quinoa Fried Rice ala Katie. I like to keep my options open. ;)

Anyway, I'm off to make that Sweet and Spicy Citrus Tilapia. I'll post the recipe this week, along with some other goodies. Got to get ready to watch The Bachelor finale tonight! Not going to lie, I am more interested in the After the Final Rose to see if they're still together, because I'm pretty sure he chose Courtney aaaaand she hasn't played out too well on camera. You care about this equally, right? Of course you do...

I plan to post about our date days later tonight or tomorrow, depending on how engrossing The Bachelor is. Again, judge away.


  1. 1. SO excited for you to try the quinoa fried rice! It's delicious. We just can't get enough!
    2. The sequined black TOMS will be perfect!
    3. I had completely forgotten that After the Final Rose was tonight and not its own separate event. My Monday just got infinitely better!
    4. I'll be toasting you as we watch, that's for sure...and while we're constantly tweeting each other.


  2. 1. I am SO excited to try it, too! You've been raving about it so I just have to try it!
    2. Thank you! I hope so - and also hope they arrive soon.
    3. Our Mondays, yes, John's not so much. Lucky for me he's a good sport!
    4. Cheers and looking forward to our live tweeting. One of my favorite things!


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