Monday, March 19, 2012

The Ultimate Wedding Week: Our Ceremony

Hi friends! I have been reading Katie's blog posts about this new phenomenon (reminds me of What I Ate Wednesday, except for that it's about weddings!), and I finally decided that I wanted to "jump in." You ready? Or even interested? Welp, here goes... (hosted by Natasha).

For the record, our fabulous, amazing pictures were taken by the lovely (and extremely talented!) Shelly Valentine. Check her out for your wedding. I personally guarantee you won't be disappointed! She is beyond wonderful.

Our beautiful church...Second Presbyterian Church

Pictures from the ceremony...
Walking to the doors | the crowd with us | Look how happy John looks! | With my Dad :)

We're husband and wife!
About my favorite picture from the wedding!

In our getaway car :)
Our wonderful wedding party!

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