Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Heavy Heart

When I returned from New York City Sunday evening I was in such a wonderful mood. I spent time in one of my top three favorite cities, and I couldn't have been happier. While I was disappointed about leaving - I could stay there forever! - I was happy to be back home with the hubby and pup. I had plans to write several posts and was excited about it. Until Monday.

Monday morning I got to school and learned my student's family was involved in a tragic car accident, taking the life of my student's younger brother and seriously injuring my student and his mother. As a teacher, sometimes you begin to see the little ones as your own, and I ache for my student and his family, though I know I can never fully understand their pain.

Managing my emotions and feelings over this devastation is one thing, but being the leader of 15 beautiful little people is entirely another. It is difficult to help children struggling to understand, when as an adult I do not fully understand either. Their hearts are heavy, as is mine. And together we've trudged through this week, leaning on our school family and our faithful Lord.

It is times like this that I am so grateful to teach in a Christian school, where we can openly pray for healing and for strength. I cannot imagine how I would be working through this without our open faith and my wonderful colleagues, parents and students. I am reminded of how blessed I am to work here.

As I close, I would like to ask those of you of faith to keep my student's family and our school family in your prayers in the coming weeks. There are never enough prayers, and I know He is always listening.


  1. That is so sad. I will keep that family in my prayers.

  2. Like I mentioned on FB, it's always hard losing students. You're absolutely right in that they do feel like our children. We probably see them more often than their parents do during the school year. I'm so glad that you have such a strong and supportive group. I will always remember every single student I've lost. All of them due to pointless gang violence. Every time I hear of a shooting on the southside, I hold my breath waiting to hear the name. But it's times like this where you realize just how strong you are. I am sure you are doing a wonderful job with your students. Keeping them in my thoughts.

  3. Aww I'm so sorry Lauren! That would break my heart as well. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

  4. so sorry to hear! Will be praying for you and your students:) Praise God we do not greive without hope.


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