Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WIAW: Hubby Cooks!

Happy Wednesday, friends! Last week I skipped What I Ate Wednesday, hosted by Jenn, because I completely forgot to take pictures of my food. That, and, I was totally engrossed in my books for about all of free time. Anyhoo, I'm back to sharing and linking up with this fun little group.

Breakfast: John made me my favorite breakfast - his famous egg sandwich! Oh boy, it is the best breakfast sandwich I have ever had, each and every time. Toasted 7-grain bread + an over easy egg (still runny once you bite in!) + fontina cheese. It was a perfect way to start my day since I was up and out early to vote in the primaries before school.

Lunch: That sandwich really tied me over, but I was super excited to try out a new-to-me lunch. I had some leftover quinoa sitting in my fridge, and I decided to dress it up a bit. I added chopped red, yellow and orange bell peppers, black beans, avocado, garlic salt, lime juice and a tiny drizzle of olive oil. I heated it up for about a minute in the microwave, and let me tell you, it was divine. I ate it with a nice side of fresh strawberries. Mmmm.

Snack: I had a meeting after school so I nibbled on some baby carrot sticks before it started.

Snack 2: After my workout I couldn't resist a few handfuls of Cheeze-Its, which the hubby bought on a whim. He ate most of the box but I had no problem polishing it off.

Dinner: John cooked!! I told him to use this super easy recipe for Ahi Tuna, and he did the whole thing on his own! Normally he sticks to mac 'n cheese and cereal, so I was quite proud of him. Not to mention it is a delicious meal. Have your hubby make it for you! We served it with some steamed edamame on the side and it was perfect.

Apparently all that cooking really wore John and the pup out... ;) He and Hoosh napped for a solid two hours while I did laundry, cleaned and caught up with my sister. 

Dessert: A couple hours later I was craving something sweet, so I toasted a mini whole wheat bagel and topped it with cinnamon and splenda (don't judge - I'm using the last of it before trying the ever-popular stevia!).

All in all a great day! How was yours?


  1. Your eats look good! Love it when the Mr. cooks!

    1. Thanks! All good minus the Cheeze-its, haha! I love when the hubby cooks. I need to have him do that more often! :)


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