Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Day in Disney...in Instagram

I'm going to keep this quick.  

We're having a blast, and are making the most of every second.

Thanks to Tropical Storm Debbie, Orlando weather is even more bipolar than Indiana. 
And humid. So very humid.

We were up for 22 hours yesterday.

My legs are mighty sore. Yowza.

I'm blogging from a very long line for the Jungle Cruise. Thanks, Blogger app!

More updates soon!

For now, a quick peak at our first day.

Unfortunately, pictures don't appear in chronological order - major pet peeve - but you get the gist. I'll try to add descriptions later. *Updated to add: descriptions!

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Waiting in line for Mission Space in Epcot
First shot at Disney; outside the monorail! Hair is still down at this point...
My "Goofy" hubby :)
Just minutes after our first picture my hair was up in a bun. Humidity and I don't mix well.
Soaking wet after running through Animal Kingdom, trying to make our bus... in the pouring rain.
PS: The bun didn't help the humidity hair mess. Cue side french braid,

1 comment:

  1. You guys look like you're having a blast! As you know, Disney is my favorite place, so although I'm super jealous, I'm glad you and John are off to a great start to your vacation!!


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