Monday, June 4, 2012

JB Graduates!

Hey there!

I had such a craaaazy busy weekend. Phew! I'm going to catch you up on it, but instead of a crazy long post, I figured that I would do a couple instead. Sound good? If not then I suppose you can just ignore these posts. :)

Friday night John and I met up with his family - parents, sister, grandparents, aunts - to watch JB graduate from high school! Park does such a neat, different thing for graduation. The girls wear floor-length white dresses, while carrying a dozen red roses. The guys wear full tuxes, complete with cummerbunds and bow ties. So formal! The ceremony was lovely and very well rehearsed. The speakers were funny and insightful, and it was a nice little ceremony.

Of course, we took some family pictures outside. :)

From left: Aunt Lori, Lauren, John, Me, Leslie, Big John, JB, Mimi, Papa, Aunt Linda
Immediate Rapp family! John, John, Me, JB, Lauren, Leslie
Following the ceremony,we headed to a lovely little "reception" of sorts. Leslie was a chair of the event, and honestly it was absolutely wonderful. Her hard work surely paid off! We had a super tasty meal consisting of a salad, bread, stuffed chicken, petit filet, potatoes and green beans.

And of course, dessert! I just ate the top off of it - not sure what it was, but it was super delicious. The cake was a bit spongy, but the topping was creamy and yummy.

After dinner we took some pictures and did a little dancing. The band wasn't my favorite (I always prefer DJs, go figure!) but they played some good songs and we had a blast dancing with family. Check out some of my favorite shots from the night!

Lately I've been getting some emails requests about my outfits, so I've included some links to the same or similar clothes, where applicable. Hope it helps! :)

Dress: Eliza J via ideeli (similar to this dress)
Shoes: Chinese Laundry nude pumps via Macy's, as seen here
Sequined purse: Kate Spade (no longer available)
Jewelry: Mikimoto pearls (my wedding gift from John!)


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