Thursday, August 2, 2012

Seared Scallop Salad w/ Orange Champagne Vinaigrette

As I hinted at here, there is not much to say about this salad other than it is fantastic. I almost flinch as I type that because I used to be the person rolling her eyes after someone told me about a "great" salad. However, as I've developed better eating habits I've come to appreciate a really flavorful and filling salad. Even John raved about it - "Mmmm, good cow food!" (aka "rabbit food")

The original recipe for this, courtesy of Skinnytaste, used grapefruit instead of orange. I found orange champagne vinegar for a couple dollars at Trader Joe's, and John isn't the biggest grapefruit fan, so the modification were perfect for us. I do apologize for the lack of step-by-step pictures, but I think you'll find this recipe easy to follow. This came together in a flash, in part thanks to how quickly scallops cook, and is a perfect summer meal.

Seared Scallop Salad w/ Orange Champagne Vinaigrette 
Recipe adapted from Skinnytaste
Serves 2-4, depending on portions


*2 oranges, reserving 3 slices
*1 lb sea scallops, washed and dried with a paper towel
*2 tsp olive oil
*salt and pepper
*8 oz baby spinach and arugula
Champagne Vinaigrette:
*2 tbsp olive oil
*1 tbsp orange champagne vinegar (found this at Trader Joe's; white wine vinegar would work)
*2 tbsp chopped (or minced) shallots (if you're not an onion fan, I'd substitute 2 garlic cloves)
*salt and pepper
*orange juice from 3 reserved orange slices


*Peel the skin and white membrane off the orange and separate the pieces. Reserve three orange slices for the vinaigrette. Chop up remaining orange for the salad.

*In a medium bowl whisk olive oil, squeezed orange juice (from 3 orange slices), orange champagne vinegar (or white wine vinegar), chopped (or minced) shallots, salt and pepper.

*Season scallops with salt and pepper. Heat a large pan on a high heat. When the pan is hot, add oil and place scallops in the pan (don't overcrowd). Sear without touching them for 2 minutes, until the bottom forms a caramel colored crust.

*Turn and cook another 1 to 2 minutes while their centers are still slightly translucent. (Be careful not to overcook!) Remove from the pan.  

*Divide the baby greens evenly between plates. Arrange orange on the plate and top with scallops. Drizzle with vinaigrette and serve!


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