Friday, October 5, 2012

Hanky Pankies

Here I am with another Rapp family recipe! Hanky pankies are always a big hit with crowds, as I personally experienced when I made them for my sorority sisters' monthly girls dinner! These are a staple at the lake and family events because they are easy to make and freeze.

I've adapted these slightly - subbing ground turkey for ground beef - and adjusting the cheese. It's completely up to you and your family's taste preferences! Velveeta cheese will give you a very creamy combination, but you're welcome to use any other type of cheese if you don't like processed food.

PS: Still stuck in iPhone picture land. What can you do, eh?

Hanky Pankies
Recipe adapted from Mimi & Leslie Rapp
Yields about 16 hanky pankies (depending on loaf size)  

*2/3 lb cheese (about 2-3 cups, shredded; original recipe calls for 1 lb Velveeta)
*1 lb lean ground turkey (original recipe calls for ground beef)
*1 lb mild Italian bulk sausage (bulk refers to non-link sausage)
*1 loaf rye bread

*Brown ground turkey and sausage in a large skillet. Drain excess oil.

*Add cheese to ground turkey and sausage. Melt and mix over low heat.

*Place bread slices on a sheet pan. Toast under oven broiler for 1-2 minutes on each side.

*Once cheese has melted with meat, spoon and spread onto toasted bread. Place under broiler for 1-2 minutes.

Note: These are perfect to freeze - simply skip the last step! Once meat and cheese mixture is on toasted bread slices, place in bag or container and freeze. To reheat: Bake at 350 for a few minutes (2-5) to warm. Finish under broiler for 1-2 minutes. 

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