Monday, January 28, 2013

Devour Downtown Date Night!

Well what do you know, I'm actually writing a post today! No one is more surprised than I am, but John and I had such a fun date night Friday, that I just had to share. Especially because it involves a great deal for any of you living in or visiting Indy this week!

Devour Downtown occurs twice a year in Indianapolis, usually once in the winter and once in the summer. For two weeks, almost every downtown restaurant offers special menus and significantly discounted rates. It's such a great time to try out new restaurants, especially ones that might normally be too pricey. Plus, I'll take any excuse to dress up for a night out!

Top: Forever 21 (Christmas gift from my mom)
Pants: Zara (from my 2008 trip to Tokyo!)
Shoes: Target
Pearl Necklace: Reis-Nichols (my wedding gift from John)
Bracelet: Brighton (Christmas gift from John's aunt Linda)
Clutch: Hand-me-down from my mom
Sapphire and diamond earrings: Reis-Nichols (my Christmas gift from John!)

Enter: St. Elmo's. St. Elmo's is a pretty famous steakhouse in Indy. It serves some of the best cuts of meat, plus its famous shrimp cocktail. It was even featured on a recent episode of Parks and Recreation!

This fantastic food comes with a hefty price tag, so John and I had never been before. However, during Devour Downtown, it offers a menu for $35 a person. Included was an appetizer (salad or shrimp cocktail - which normally costs $16!), an entree (salmon, chicken or filet mignon) with smashed potatoes and green beans on the side, and a dessert (creme brulee, bread pudding or cheesecake).

Shrimp cocktail, Filet (with blue cheese topping) and creme brulee for this happy girl!
Forgive the pictures...dim lighting in the restaurant and I didn't want to use my flash.

Our meal was absolutely delicious, and John and I had the best time. I left feeling very appreciative of John's little surprise idea, and it kicked of a great weekend filled with redecorating our apartment a bit, an impromptu dinner date with my good friend Ally (another Devour Downtown host - Scotty's Brewhouse), brunch with one of my favorite journalism professors in Bloomington, and a big IU basketball victory. 

post-dinner self portrait - never the best!

Enough about me...

How was your weekend? 
Do any of your cities or towns offer events like Devour Downtown?

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