Thursday, March 7, 2013

Zesty Turkey Tenderloin

A few weeks ago I was at Target and saw turkey tenderloins on sale for a great price. Never one to pass on a bargain, I quickly snagged a package and started googling recipes for turkey tenderloin. As I walked the aisles I came across this lovely gem, which required hardly any additional ingredients than those already in my kitchen.

I was super excited for this recipe, but found the results to be just a bit too tangy. So, after some modifications, I came to the recipe below. This definitely has some signature flavors - dijon and lemon, primarily - so feel free to adjust according to your preferences. While the cooking time for this is fairly long, the steps and work involved make this super, super easy.

I paired this with some broccoli and a new recipe coming your way this week - Lightened-Up Mashed Potatoes! (Spoiler alert: There's a secret ingredient that dramatically ups the nutrition value and lightens the calories!). Stay tuned and...enjoy! :)

Zesty Turkey Tenderloin
Recipe adapted from Linda Larson, via Busy Cooks
Serves 4-6, depending on servings

*1 turkey tenderloin (mine came prepackaged from Target and included 2 tenderloins)
*Salt and pepper to taste
*2-3 tablespoons Dijon mustard (depending on your taste preference)
*2 tablespoons lemon juice
*1 tablespoon olive oil
*1 teaspoon lemon zest
*1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
*1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

*Cut tenderloin in half crosswise. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

*In small bowl, combine remaining ingredients and mix well. Spread over all sides of the turkey. Cover and marinate at room temperature for 20 minutes, or refrigerate up to 24 hours.

*When ready to eat, preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

*Place tenderloins on a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet. Roast turkey for 45-55 minutes until internal temperatures registers 160 degrees F.

*Remove from oven, cover with foil, and let stand 8-10 minutes before slicing to serve. Enjoy!

Marinade | Marinating in bag | Ready for the oven



  1. Oh fun! Jake loves pork tenderloin. I posted a recipe last time I made it with just rosemary and homemade BBQ sauce, but this one looks so tasty. Always a giant fan of dijon mustard :) Will have to give this a try this weekend.

    PS. So happy that you're posting again :)

    1. Thanks! I need to check out your recipe - sound fantastic! Hope you two enjoy this one.

      PS: Thank you...trying to restore the work/play balance :)


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