Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Simple Spring Skillet

How's that for some alliteration? A big thank you to my middle school English teacher, Mrs. Pepe, who introduced me to Greek and Roman mythology, metaphors, similes and alliteration, which is easily my favorite literary element.

In fact...confession time... I secretly hoped I'd marry someone who had a last name ripe with alliteration opportunities for future children. Unfortunately, I've yet to find many "R" names I'm crazy about. I suppose a great husband is better than a name. :)

Back to this dish! This meal came together as I attempted to use all the produce in the fridge before it spoiled. Fortunately for me, it was a great success! I heard "yummm!" coming from table before I sat down, and I quickly snapped a couple pictures at John's insistence. We absolutely loved the lightness and freshness of this meal. Hopefully you will, too!

Simple Spring Skillet
Recipe by Call Me Mrs. Rapp
Serves about 4, depending on portions

*1 large yellow squash, chopped (quarter, lengthwise; then slice into bite-size pieces)
*2 green zucchini, chopped (quarter, lengthwise; then slice into bite-size pieces)
*1/2 sweet onion, finely chopped 
*fresh baby spinach (about 2 cups)
*2-3 chicken or turkey sausage (I used Trader Joe's Sweet Pesto flavor), sliced into medallions
*1 to 2 cups cooked pasta (I recommend any bite-size pasta, such as spiral or penne)
*2 to 4 tablespoons pesto sauce (I freeze mine in ice cube trays and used 2 cubes)
*1/4 cup shredded Parmesan cheese (optional)
*olive oil
*garlic powder, to taste
*salt and pepper, to taste

*Heat olive oil (about 2 tsp) in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook for about 3-4 minutes, or until they begin to soften.

*Add chicken/turkey sausage, yellow squash and zucchini pieces to skillet. Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder, and use a spatula to mix everything together (you may add another tsp of olive oil, if needed).

*Continue to stir mixture every couple minutes for about 8 to 10 minutes, or until veggies and meat are cooked to your liking.

*Add cooked pasta noodles and spinach to the skillet, and toss until spinach wilts. Stir in pesto, allowing it to evenly coat all the ingredients. Remove from heat and top with Parmesan cheese, if desired. Serve immediately!

Only one pan needed!
So colorful!

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