Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cheesy Chicken Pot Pie Cups

I saw this awhile back on Pinterest, but I only recently got around to making it. I've never cooked anything from this website, Between 3 Sisters, but this looked fun and actually healthy! I adapted the recipe based on what we had and what I could find at the store, so my version is below.

But to the most important part - - how did they actually taste? Phenomenal!! I had just two of these and was completely stuffed! Talk about an awesome dinner.  Especially when I think that during some meals I can eat two biscuits PLUS the entire dinner. And it was so, so good!

On a side note, I would change this recipe slightly when I made it again. Instead of using one whole biscuit for each muffin spot, I would split the biscuits in two and then fill them. This way they're even lighter, and there was more than enough biscuit to go around with these the regular way.

*Updated to add: Hi, friends (and Reader's Digest readers!)! I've had lots of emails about how to catch up on new recipes/posts on the blog. You have a few options: follow me on TWITTER: (@lbrapp); follow the blog (link to the right), subscribe to emails (link at the bottom of the posts); or follow me on Pinterest (link to the right). I hope that helps, and thanks for reading!!

Also, if you enjoy this recipe, I think you'll love these BBQ Burger Cups! They are similar in idea, and prepared just as easily - if not more so! - than these Chicken Pot Pie Cups.  Enjoy!

Cheesy Chicken Pot Pie Cups
Recipe adapted from Between 3 Sisters
Yields 8-16 pot pie cups (depending on if you split the biscuits in half)
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*8-count biscuits (I used Homestyle)
*1 cup cooked chicken breast, diced
*1 (10 1/2 ounce) can reduced-fat cream of chicken soup
*2/3 cup shredded low-fat cheddar cheese
*1 1/2 c. frozen veggies, thawed (I used 1 c. corn, peas and carrots & 1/2 c. broccoli)
*1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
*1 teaspoon of minced onion
*1/4 teaspoon black pepper
*1/2 teaspoon salt

*Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

*Prep chicken: For healthiest chicken, poach: Place boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a medium skillet or saucepan. Add lightly salted water (or chicken broth - I used vegetable broth because I had it leftover from making the Tomato Artichoke Soup) to cover and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to low and simmer gently until the chicken is cooked through and no longer pink in the middle, 10 to 15 minutes. Cut prepared chicken into bite-size pieces.   

*Separate biscuits and place each biscuit in a cup of a lightly greased 12-hole muffin pan, pressing dough up sides to edge of cup.

*In a medium bowl, combine chicken, chicken soup, veggies, cheddar cheese, parsley flakes, and black pepper. Mix well to combine.

*Evenly spoon chicken mixture into prepared biscuit cups.

*Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown.

*Remove from oven. Place muffin pan on a wire rack and let set for 2-3 minutes. Serve at once.

Poaching the chicken...not so pretty but tasty and healthy!


Everything ready to be mixed up

Ready for the oven!


Golden and yummy

Perfect little cups!


  1. Lauren, these look absolutely amazing!!

  2. Thank you!! They are sooo easy and absolutely delicious!! Made your prosciutto pizza today by the way!!

  3. Love this idea to make these in little muffin cups...chicken pot pie has been on my list but i think it needs to move its way up to the top soon!!!

  4. The muffin cups are great because they keep you from overindulging. Definitely move it up on the list! These were shockingly good for how simple they were.

  5. Making these tonight, can't wait to eat them!!

    1. They are delicious!! I can't wait to hear how they turn out! :)

  6. has anyone tried freezing these?

    1. Not that I know of, but I might have to try it!

    2. I have, works fine. I freeze almost everything.

  7. hi can someone tell me what 8-count biscuits are?

    1. 8 biscuts in a can

    2. Dont have the biscuits in a can here, what type of biscuit? texture? falvoir?

    3. These type of biscuits cook to become fluffy on the inside and golden on the outside. So, it should be firm enough on the outside to keep the pot pie cup together, but soft when you bite into it. Flavor varies depending on the type of biscuit, but I would say it is buttery and fairly mild. You can make your own dough (Bisquick is a popular mix), though your cooking time might be slightly higher or lower. If you still have trouble let me know and I will look for a biscuit recipe to share. Thanks for reading!

    4. I found a great recipie for yoummy biscuts in an old cookbook. Dinner biscuts the round ones that you cut with a cutter or cup... its just flour, ,water, butter, salt and baking powder... better for you you and lie 10 min creation time... I add sage, dry mustard and cardamom to mine. . . they are good with anything in them. made blueberry ones... the mix is sooo versitile.

  8. Wow awesome im glad i found your blog These look great my boys wills love 'em Thanks

    1. I'm so glad you did, too! Thanks for reading! :)

  9. I am definitely making these this week!

  10. i live in OZ and i'm not sure what you call biscuits are????? are they the same as sliced bread??????

    1. They are not the same as sliced bread. I've included a link below that will show you the type of biscuits that I use. They come in a can and are found in the refrigerator section of the grocery store. I hope that helps!

    2. I also use these biscuits when making chicken & dumplings.

  11. It's not bread slices, it's more like a roll. In the US they're eaten for breakfast usually, with butter and jam. Perhaps you can get a better idea from this.

  12. Are you the wizard? Do munchkins not make biscuits in Oz?

  13. I believe I will make these with my freeze-dried THRIVE foods. It should work well.

  14. Absolutely GREAT!! Tried these and even froze a few for my daughter to heat up later...they are yummy!! Thanks for sharing with us!!

  15. will make these without the biscuits

  16. I make BBQ Hamburger cups the same way. Cook and drain hamburger, add BBQ sauce (your favorite kind) and some brown sugar to taste. Fill the bisquit cups with the mixture and top with grated sharp Cheddar. Very good but will have to try yours-would be healthier!

    1. Yum! I might have to try those with some ground turkey!

  17. These sound delicious, what could you serve along with them?

    1. I would serve it with something beans (I have some recipes on here for roasted green beans!), asparagus, salad, etc. Another starch like a potato might make it too heavy.

  18. I don't hav access to biscuits in a can. Think this would work with homemdae Bisquick bicuit dough?

  19. This would be good using broccoli and cheese soup as well !

  20. Can't wait to try these. And soon

    1. I can't wait to hear how they turn out! :)

  21. I am soooo making these! Thanks for posting this recipe! :)

  22. Do you know the approximate calorie count per serving?

    1. According to the website with the original recipe, each pot pie cup contains 144 calories. There are a few differences in my version of this recipe, and that may slightly affect the calorie count. I use more vegetables (1.5 cups instead of 1 cup), and I didn't use a reduced fat biscuit. I hope that helps!

  23. Making these tonight! MMMMMMM Can't wait!

  24. Hi, could you tell me what 8-count biscuits are? Are they a savoury, crisp biscuit or more of a dough? Recipe looks delicious, would love to try it but I'm unsure of what our equivalent would be (i'm from South Africa) - Angela

    1. Hi, Angela! I will do my best to help clarify what 8-count biscuits are. In the US, you can buy prepared biscuits in a can. You unwrap the can and take out the dough for the biscuits, which separate easily into whatever "count" biscuits you buy. So if I buy 8-count biscuits, it means the dough for 8 biscuits are in a can. These type of biscuits cook to become fluffy on the inside and golden on the outside. You can make your own dough (Bisquick is a popular mix), though your cooking time might be slightly higher or lower. If you still have trouble let me know and I will look for a biscuit recipe to share. Thanks for reading!

    2. From scratch Baking powder biscuits work great!!! It takes roughly 10 min to make your own biscuts, and its cheaper in the long run. I add spices and herbs, sometimes fruit to the mix.... Older recipies the better, for sure... Flour (wheat/white mix) Butter (must be cold) salt, baking powder, milk/cream/yougurt, and whatever flavoring, or just plain they are yummy. 450*F oven... delish... perfect every time. I cant wait to thy it with the filling idea... :-)

  25. WOW!! I just made these with diced ham instead of chicken and they were AMAZING!! Even my pickiest of eaters said they want to have them everyday. I think I will try the BBQ ones mentioned in the comments next. Great recipe, Thank you!!

    1. That sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing and for reading! :)

  26. Made these for dinner and they are just wonderful. I used only a half a biscuit as had been written earlier. Perfect little bites, easy to prepare and look so cute on the dinner table. Served with a nice green garden salad and they were a big hit. Will make these again and maybe try some beef instead of the chicken with maybe a can of cream of mushroom soup!!!

    1. Yummy! I can't wait to hear how they turn out!

  27. I am going to make these with short crust pastry, only because I can't locate the biscuits here in Oz (Australia!) Thanks for sharing a delightful recipe...

  28. As per my post above Anonymous Aug 10th! Well I did make these for a 60th yesterday but added my own touch. I used fresh chives, fresh parsley, a small bag of baby spinach, a wad of grated garlic, freshly cracked black pepper, and an egg, and Vegan shortcrust pastry, fantastic, everyone loved them...but next time I will make these Vegan style, and very easily! Instead of chicken I will use Vegan chicken pieces, and Tofu to thicken, so again "thanks so much for the wonderful recipe..."

    Nancye aka Anonymous Aug 10th, the post above this last one...

    1. I love that you put your own spin on this recipe!! Please share more of your successful creations - I'm sure I'm not the only one who is excited about them. Thanks for reading, Nancye!

  29. these are very good...I am planning on trying to make a breakfast muffin using egg, ground sausage, hashbrowns, cheese and maybe some country gravy.
    thnx for the recipe.

    1. I have been thinking about the same thing for over a week now! I hope to experiment in the coming weeks once school is back in session, and my routine is back to normal. Let me know how those turn out, and thanks for reading!

  30. My wife made these tonight for dinner. We used half cream of chicken and half cream of mushroom soup. They came out great in our metal pans at 12 minutes but our silicone pans at 18 minutes they were a touch on the doughy side. We personally could have used more cheese in our mix. Great recipe thanks.

    1. Thanks for sharing your cooking time and material experiences! That is so helpful to know. I can ALWAYS use more cheese :)

  31. I'm so glad that these are so healthy! I'm excited to try these!! I'm trying to branch out and try new things! Thanks so much for the recipe!!

    1. Isn't it great?! Keep branching out - you won't be disappointed in these! :)

  32. Hi friends! I've had questions about how to see my new recipes posted. You can either follow the blog and receive an email update with new posts, OR you can follow me on TWITTER: @lbrapp - I post links to new recipes and posts from that account. Thanks for reading!

  33. Made these for supper tonight. Big hit at my house. Kids said we have to make them again soon

  34. Hi! I'm so excited to try it with the chicken pot pie feel! I make these a lot with bbq sauce and hamburger meat or to chicken or pork topped withwith cheese and they are divine! My son...newly out on his own makes them too. I've also made them with eggs...but I lightly scramble them first .. only part way ... with various things in them..then top with cheese ...delicious! I scramble them some first just to be sure the liquid doesn't pour out as the biscuits puff.
    But I'm sooooooo looking forward to these! Thanks a bunch!

    1. Thanks for sharing those ideas! I've been having fun playing around with different variations of this, and I'm excited to share some soon. Thanks for reading! :)

  35. Tasted fantastic but the onions did not cook, next time no onions they did not cook all the way I think potatoes would be good

    1. I'm sorry about the onions. Your comment made me realized that I did not specify "dried" minced onion (you can find it with all the other seasonings at the grocery store). I think potatoes would be a great addition to this. Thanks for sharing!

  36. Do you think you can cook & freeze for quick lunches? Jennifer

    1. Absolutely! Several people have mentioned that they froze these, and I also had success freezing these. Make sure they are room temperature before you freeze, otherwise the condensation will make them a bit soggy when defrosting. I also find it helpful to thaw in the fridge, as it creates less condensation. Enjoy!

  37. These sound yummy. Do you think they would be good cold? I was thinking these would be good as a change in my kids lunch boxes.

    1. I have not tried them cold, but it would probably depend on your kids' preferences. For example, I don't enjoy cold pizza so I probably wouldn't enjoy these cold. Let me know what you decide and how your kids like it! I'd love to hear how it turned out!

  38. Do you happen to have the nutritional information? Calories/fat/etc

    1. According to the website with the original recipe, each pot pie cup contains 144 calories. There are a few differences in my version of this recipe, and that may affect the calorie count. I use more vegetables (1.5 cups instead of 1 cup), and I didn't use a reduced fat biscuit. I hope that helps!

  39. Hello.. I was wondering if I could use canned peas, corn and carrots instead of frozen? Looking forward to trying this recipe very soon.

    1. You absolutely can do that! I hope you enjoy the recipe! :)

    2. Thank you Lauren. I am going to try this one very soon, especially since canned veggies can be used. Thanks gain.

    3. You're welcome - and thank you for reading!

  40. Yum!!! These are just perfect! Be aware, though, that if you use butter or honey flavored biscuits they will be pretty sweet. Awesome recipe =)

  41. Just made these for my VERY picky husband and he LOVED them. Thanks so much for this great recipe that I will be making again : )

  42. Normally when I make chicken pot pie i use a pre-made pie crust for the dough. Do you think that would work too?

    1. I think that would definitely work! You may need to adjust your cooking time and/or cook the crusts a bit before adding the filling, but I bet the pie crust would be excellent. I need to try it!

    2. Trying it tonight, will let you kniw how it goes :)

  43. I made this for my family of four tonight and it was a hit! Having a husband, a 12 year old son, and 19 month old son, it is hard to find a dish that everyone will enjoy and this hit the mark! I substituted the biscuits for refrigerated pie crust (each crust made 6 "pies"; I had to bake them for 7-9 minutes before adding the filling so that they wouldn't be raw/soggy). It tasted EXACTLY like a chicken pot pie that took hours to make. These crazy men gobbled up 10 of them (I had my measly 2, lol) before I could blink an eye! Thanks for posting! ;-)

    1. I LOVE to read these kind of posts! I'm so, so glad the recipe worked out so well, and I must try it with pie crust. Thanks for sharing! :)

  44. Thanks for the recipe. We have these at least once a week with no leftovers.

  45. I just made this and it was GREAT. My husband and I loved the filling. I also made some using pie crust and that was a big hit.

  46. Made these tonight, hubby & I loved them--delish! He usually hates when I experiment with a new recipe, but they were a hit. I changed a few things, though: used 8 count Pillsbury GRANDS Homestyle Buttermilk Reduced Fat biscuits (Grands are bigger than the regular), and split them in half to make 16 pot pies. Was still plenty of dough for each one. Also, poached one large chicken breast in 2 cups water w/ a chicken bouillon cube added; the cooked chicken diced up to be almost 2 cups (used it all). Used a few more veggies (about 2 cups total), added 1 tsp minced garlic, and used diced sweet onion to replace the dry minced onion (had no problem with the raw onion not getting cooked). When I mixed all this up it was a little dry, so I added a bit of water till it was the right consistency. Had enough filling for all 16 pot pies. They baked up beautifully and tasted great. Thanks so much for this recipe--I will definitely be making these again!

    1. Thanks for all the tips! So glad you and your hubby enjoyed them! :)

  47. wow, your recipe and photos got 125,000 shares on fb.

    1. Wow, it looks like that number has grown since your comment! Thanks so much for sharing and letting me know!

  48. Would this recipe be ok for the 8 count biscuits?

    1. Hi, Susan! I think that biscuit recipe would work great! That said, I would suggest halving the biscuit recipe (which yields 15 biscuits) or doubling the pot pie recipe. If you start with too much biscuit dough, the filling will be pushed out as the dough rises. I hope that helps, and thanks so much for reading!

    2. Thanks for the reply Lauren, I will be sure to half the biscuit recipe.


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