Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Salmon with Zesty Citrus Salsa

Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm not sure what the weather is like your area now, but it is a dark and gloomy day here in Indy. Somehow this seemed like the perfect recipe to share, since it's so bright and colorful, and all the fresh produce really makes me think of summer. 

So in addition to getting back into the blog recently (yay!), I've also gotten back into Pinterest and all the visual inspiration that comes with it. This recipe is one of those gems, and we went crazy over all the flavors. It felt light and refreshing, and came together in a flash. I will definitely be making it again!

Salmon with Zesty Citrus Salsa
Recipe adapted from Self
Serves 2-4, depending on how much salsa you use

Monday, January 28, 2013

Devour Downtown Date Night!

Well what do you know, I'm actually writing a post today! No one is more surprised than I am, but John and I had such a fun date night Friday, that I just had to share. Especially because it involves a great deal for any of you living in or visiting Indy this week!

Devour Downtown occurs twice a year in Indianapolis, usually once in the winter and once in the summer. For two weeks, almost every downtown restaurant offers special menus and significantly discounted rates. It's such a great time to try out new restaurants, especially ones that might normally be too pricey. Plus, I'll take any excuse to dress up for a night out!

Top: Forever 21 (Christmas gift from my mom)
Pants: Zara (from my 2008 trip to Tokyo!)
Shoes: Target
Pearl Necklace: Reis-Nichols (my wedding gift from John)
Bracelet: Brighton (Christmas gift from John's aunt Linda)
Clutch: Hand-me-down from my mom
Sapphire and diamond earrings: Reis-Nichols (my Christmas gift from John!)

Enter: St. Elmo's. St. Elmo's is a pretty famous steakhouse in Indy. It serves some of the best cuts of meat, plus its famous shrimp cocktail. It was even featured on a recent episode of Parks and Recreation!

This fantastic food comes with a hefty price tag, so John and I had never been before. However, during Devour Downtown, it offers a menu for $35 a person. Included was an appetizer (salad or shrimp cocktail - which normally costs $16!), an entree (salmon, chicken or filet mignon) with smashed potatoes and green beans on the side, and a dessert (creme brulee, bread pudding or cheesecake).

Shrimp cocktail, Filet (with blue cheese topping) and creme brulee for this happy girl!
Forgive the pictures...dim lighting in the restaurant and I didn't want to use my flash.

Our meal was absolutely delicious, and John and I had the best time. I left feeling very appreciative of John's little surprise idea, and it kicked of a great weekend filled with redecorating our apartment a bit, an impromptu dinner date with my good friend Ally (another Devour Downtown host - Scotty's Brewhouse), brunch with one of my favorite journalism professors in Bloomington, and a big IU basketball victory. 

post-dinner self portrait - never the best!

Enough about me...

How was your weekend? 
Do any of your cities or towns offer events like Devour Downtown?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chicken, Caramelized Onion & Parmesan Risotto

Here is yet another post I typed up months ago, and only recently managed to edit the photos. Hopefully that doesn't deter you, because this is fantastic. I know I'm known for using adjectives, but I sincerely mean the praise for this delicious recipe (Thank you, Jourdan!).

In a nutshell, this is a warm, creamy and hearty meal. You really don't need anything else to make it a meal, although a nice green veggie on the side certainly wouldn't hurt. I'm thinking of experimenting by adding spinach to this, to really round out the meal. If you make some modifications be sure to share!

On a side note, I do apologize for the poor-quality pictures. I'm working with my iPhone, since our camera is on the fritz, and the dark winter lighting certainly doesn't help matters.

Chicken, Caramelized Onion, & Parmesan Risotto
Serves 4, depending on portions 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

{Slow-Cooker} Creamy Chicken & Black Bean Chili

Hey there! No need to be impressed with another post so soon. In fact, judge away as I tell you that I typed up this post back in November, and just recently got around to editing the pictures. I'm surprised that I still had them!

However, my tardiness is no bash on this quick meal. I whipped it up in a flash before work, and we had plenty of leftovers to freeze and eat later. This was a tasty and easy meal, and perfect for the cold winter months. Enjoy!

{Slow-Cooker} Creamy Chicken & Black Bean Chili
Serves 4-8, depending on servings

Monday, January 21, 2013

Creamy Roasted Cauliflower Soup

Well happy New Year! A little late, I know, but ... better late than never, right? Anyhoo, I hope your 2013s are off to a fantastic start, and that you had wonderful holidays. I know that I've been absent from my little corner of the blog world these last few months, and while I'd love to say "I'm back!" I just can't say that yet. I hope to be - and soon! - but for now my sporadic visits are all I can commit to. I do sincerely appreciate those who continue to visit!

That being said, I knew I had to post this recipe when a) John asked me to make it twice...in one week, and b) several people at work commented on it smelling so good as I reheated it for lunch!

So, first things first, if you don't like cauliflower, you will probably still like this soup. John is not crazy about cauliflower, but says that it was so creamy and tasted nothing like cauliflower (though we couldn't figure out what it did taste like). The best part...there is no dairy in this (unless you add a little shredded cheese at the end...so worth it for my dairy-eating friends)! Roasting the cauliflower adds an incredible flavor and texture to this soup, and you will not believe how creamy it is, without one bit of cream or milk.

Please just take my word - and the fact that I am writing a post after such a long absence just because this is so tasty! - and make this. It's super healthy, low calorie and absolutely delicious!

Creamy {Dairy-Free!} Roasted Cauliflower Soup
Serves 4-6, depending on portions