Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WIAW: Busy, Busy

Welcome to the second edition of Peas and Crayons' What I Ate Wednesday! I had a lot of fun participating last week, so we're back at it again, this time showcasing Tuesday. Now, to be honest, I totally planned to make a fun new recipe that I would be able to showcase - like I did last week with Simple Stuffed Red Peppers - but I had such a long and busy day at work that I had no energy left to be creative.

Breakfast (8:15 a.m.) I woke up with my stomach feeling a bit off, so I forced myself to eat a mini whole wheat bagel with some butter. It was enough to put something in my stomach, but not upset it with a long day ahead of me.

something is always better than nothing, right?
Lunch (11:35 a.m.) I ate most of my lunch while typing up progress reports and walking around the room helping students with corrections. I wish I would have been able to sit down and enjoy it more, but it was still super tasty! I made some Garlic & Basil-Roasted Broccoli & Cauliflower last night to bring for lunch and it totally hit the spot. I love roasting veggies and a little forethought into my midday meals. I also had a mini whole wheat bagel sandwich with honey-roasted turkey and Dijon mustard. Dessert was a delicious cara cara orange. Have you tried them yet? Super juicy - and they're pink! Gotta love my girly fruits.

A nice little trio
Snack (3:15 p.m.) I enjoyed a Pomegranate Chobani yogurt. Love all the awesome flavors of Chobani yogurt! Some of my favorites include strawberry banana, apple cinnamon and blood orange. I also snagged a piece of chocolate from the dean's office after getting out of my meeting around 4:45.

Dinner (7:30 p.m.) I was still working when dinner rolled around. As I mentioned I first wanted to create something fun and original. Then I decided I could make this amazing Teriyaki-Salmon with Sriracha Cream Sauce with Teriyaki-Roasted Green Beans. However the hubby didn't want to eat at 8:30 - or later (I can't blame him), and he wanted to help me out (sweet!) so he ordered our favorite pizza with a Greek salad on the side (I'm sneaking in those veggies!). I had two small pieces and loaded up on the salad. Tomorrow I will make this salmon!

What I wanted...
...what I had instead

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